Product Review By Hannah-Louise - Banana Muffins

Product Reviews

Making Easter Cakes with Simple Mills Banana Muffins*

By hannah-louise 21:02 banana muffin, Dairy free, Gluten Free, Gluten Free Recipes, simple mills

As you may have seen, Make it Gluten Free Ltd sent me some mixes to try a few weeks ago. We decided to bake something a little bit eastery as there is only a couple of days to go! When I think of Easter I imagine fresh foods, fruits and vegetables (as well as lots of chocolate of course!) So what would be better than baking some banana muffins? I dug out the Simple Mills banana muffin mix and found some Easter cupcake cases and toppers from Poundland to decorate and headed to the kitchen!

Like all of the mixes from the Simple Mills brand, all of the ingredients are natural and the mixes are really easy to make. For this all you need is water, oil and two eggs. Just mix the wet ingredients, then add the dry, bake for 30 minutes and that's it!

The ingredients within this non GMO mix are; almond flour, organic coconut sugar, arrowroot powder, organic coconut flour, bananas, aluminium-free baking soda and sea salt. Being a 'clean' list of ingredients, these mixes are perfect for a range of allergies. I am sure you can trial an egg replacer to make the finished product free from egg too, as well as gluten, soy and dairy!

Once out of the oven, the muffins are soft, fluffy and have a beautiful texture. I didn't add extra banana as suggested to make it extra banana-y this time, but it didn't really need any more than what is in the mix already as the flavour really stood on its own. Predominantly almond flour, this mix is quite dark in colour but as it baked, the colour turned much lighter and brighter.  

I found that the flavour of these muffins were very fresh, as if it was made with real bananas, straight from the fruit bowl. I tested these out on three gluten eaters and they all loved them too!

Perfect for children, this mix is easy to bake, and would be perfect to decorate for an Easter activity in the half term! Why not experiment by adding cinnamon or chocolate chips?

Hannah x


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